The story is breaking now but is actually two weeks old; Blackhawk’s Monarch Casino was allegedly robbed by someone in a rouse that occurred under the guise of an inside job — but was it?
“Investigators said early the morning Daylight Saving Time began, a cashier walked out of the Monarch Casino with $500,000 in cash.
At 12:45 in the morning on March 12, cashier Sabrina Eddy, 44, was captured on video reaching into the vault of the casino’s cage and grabbing bricks of $50,000 each, a Division of Gaming investigator said in an affidavit.”

Unconfirmed pic from heist
The oddity doesn’t stop with that. According to all the movies, someone steals stacks of cash and they disappear somewhere on a sunny beach. However, it appears the alleged thieves might have pulled a Danny Ocean through a scheme of smoke, mirrors and online misrepresentation. Here’s some more information (again courtesty of 9News):
“For something like that to happen, it would’ve had to defeat a number of different levels of casino controls within the property,” said Ron Kammerzell, a former head of the Colorado Division of Gaming who now works as a regulatory consultant for the gaming industry.”
“She told investigators she received a call on the casino’s phone from a man purporting to be Monarch’s head of operations. He and another man, who she believed was a cage manager while exchanging texts with him, told her the casino was having a problem with a UPS order and needed the money or the casino would “be in breach of contract,” she told investigators, according to the affidavit. She said the two men told her the funds would be delivered to a lawyer. She brought the box to St. Anthony’s Hospital, where a man came to her door and took it at approximately 4:36 in the morning, the affidavit said.”
Was she allegedly getting those “I need to you to go buy gift cards for me and send me the code” type texts? Thinking it was her boss asking her to perform a basic task but fifty times bigger? It is a fairly common scam these days, hell they even have boomers catching on to it. Eddy claims that she was allegedly was none the wiser. Hat tip to 9News for the relevant information
She’s been booked on charges for the time being, hasn’t made bail. Shoutout to 9News for sharing the FOIA info.